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Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Warriors Can Resist Cupcakes

It has not been as easy as I thought it would be. I have been wee-ing like it's going out of fashion but guess what? I still am thirsty. I down 3 litres a day as well as part of the Detox.

Courtesy of Where Magazine
What I have found is that there is a lot of time commitment involved in being a Warrior. Having said that, you will agree that any thing you expect good results from will require some amount of time commitment.

I have enjoyed being a warrior especially as yesterday was exercise free. I did struggle on Thursday though. I found the push ups so hard but guess what? Afterwards, I sat through a 3 hour meeting with a tin of cupcakes in front of me and just enjoyed their beauty and inhaled the aroma without thinking of reaching for them. In fact one of my co-warriors is a cupcake maker.

The key for me now is to get better organised. I think cutting up some of the green juice ingredients ahead could save a few minutes in the morning such as celery and cucumbers.

Other ingredients are cocoa nibs, cinnamon, blueberries, a handful of green leaves, coconut milk and coconut water which all taste amazing.

So, stay with me and I'll let you know once Nikki starts taking on a new set for her 21 day detox programme.

P.S: This detox will not make you hungry it's full of veg, salmon, venison and yummy coconuts x

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